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This API allows for gather the most surface-level information about a minecraft server.

All API calls have the prefix /api/v1/ and are GET requests.

The supported API calls are:

GET /api/v1/playernames

Get a list of all players that are currently online on the server

Example Response
"ID": "c888eef5-edb7-4ceb-bbf3-987731de9747",
"NAME": "Jonas_Jones"
IDStringThe UUID of the player
NAMEStringThe name of the player

Versions <v0.3.0 returns an additional LEGACY field or every player that states whether or not the account is a legacy account or not. Since mc 1.20.2 and the mod release 0.3.1 this was removed due to the end of the account migration period, where all legacy accounts were migrated to microsoft accounts. (This property is now always false and thus redundant)

GET /api/v1/defaultgamemode

Get the default gamemode of the server

Example Response

All possible values are: SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, SPECTATOR

GET /api/v1/favicon

Get the favicon of the server

Example Response

The Response is a png image as a base64 encoded string

GET /api/v1/serverport

Get the port of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/loaderversion

Get the version of the loader

Example Response

GET /api/v1/minecraftversion

Get the version of the minecraft server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/motd

Get the motd of the server

Example Response
["A Minecraft Server"]

GET /api/v1/maxplayercount

Get the max player count of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/servermetadata

Get the metadata of the server

Example Response
"DESCRIPTION": "A Minecraft Server",
"MAX": 20,
"ONLINE": 1,
"ID": "c888eef5-edb7-4ceb-bbf3-987731de9747",
"NAME": "Jonas_Jones"
"version": "1.18.1",
"protocol": 755
"FAVICON": "/api/v1/favicon",
DESCRIPTIONStringThe description of the server
MAXNumberThe max player count of the server
ONLINENumberThe current player count of the server
IDStringThe UUID of the player
NAMEStringThe name of the player
versionStringThe version of the server
protocolNumberThe protocol of the server
FAVICONStringThe path to the favicon
SECURE_CHAT_ENFORCEDBooleanWhether or not secure chat is enforced

Versions <v0.3.0 returns an additional LEGACY field or every player that states whether or not the account is a legacy account or not. Since mc 1.20.2 and the mod release 0.3.1 this was removed due to the end of the account migration period, where all legacy accounts were migrated to microsoft accounts. (This property is now always false and thus redundant)

GET /api/v1/servername

Get the name of the server

Example Response
["A Minecraft Server"]

GET /api/v1/currentplayercount

Get the current player count of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/serverip

Get the ip of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/ticks

Get the current tick of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/ticktime

Get the time of the current tick of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/timereference

Get the time reference of the server

Example Response

GET /api/v1/getall

Get all information about the server

Example Response
"SERVER_IP": "",
"SERVER_PORT": 25565,
"SERVER_NAME": "A Minecraft Server",
"LOADER_VERSION": "0.14.22",
"DESCRIPTION": "A Minecraft Server",
"MAX": 20,
"ONLINE": 1,
"ID": "c888eef5-edb7-4ceb-bbf3-987731de9747",
"NAME": "Jonas_Jones"
"version": "1.18.1",
"protocol": 755
"FAVICON": "/api/v1/favicon",
"TICKS": 20456,
"TICK_TIME": 0.1235235,
SERVER_IPStringThe ip of the server
SERVER_PORTNumberThe port of the server
SERVER_NAMEStringThe name of the server
DEFAULT_GAME_MODEStringThe default gamemode of the server
LOADER_VERSIONStringThe version of the loader
DESCRIPTIONStringThe description of the server
MAXNumberThe max player count of the server
ONLINENumberThe current player count of the server
IDStringThe UUID of the player
NAMEStringThe name of the player
versionStringThe version of the server
protocolNumberThe protocol of the server
FAVICONStringThe path to the favicon
SECURE_CHAT_ENFORCEDBooleanWhether or not secure chat is enforced
TICKSNumberThe current tick of the server
TICK_TIMENumberThe time of the current tick of the server
TIME_REFERENCENumberThe time reference of the server

Versions <v0.3.0 returns an additional LEGACY field or every player that states whether or not the account is a legacy account or not. Since mc 1.20.2 and the mod release 0.3.1 this was removed due to the end of the account migration period, where all legacy accounts were migrated to microsoft accounts. (This property is now always false and thus redundant)