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ConsoleMC is available on Modrinth and Curseforge.

This mod allows You to execute shell commands (system commands) on the server's machine through the minecraft chat. The command requires operator rights.


This mod can be very dangerous on public servers and should only be used with caution. Anyone that is an operator on the server can do ANYTHING to the server and potentially all systems connected to the network.


/cmd Command

The command /cmd works as follows

/cmd [shell command]

The shell command is the command that is to be executed on the server's host machine.

Examples (Linux/MacOS)

Below are a few examples.

Server Uptime

The command to get the uptime of a server (how long the host computer has been running for) is uptime.

By running the following command, you will get the uptime for servers

/cmd uptime

Result (Example):

[cmd] 03:31:58 up 14 days,  4:50,  2 users,  load average: 0.72, 0.85, 0.97


A simple program that returns a message as a talking cow ASCII art

/cmd cowsay "Hello World!"

Result (Example):

[cmd]  _____________
[cmd] < Hello World >
[cmd] -------------
[cmd] \ ^__^
[cmd] \ (oo)\_______
[cmd] (__)\ )\/\
[cmd] ||----w |
[cmd] || ||

Further Inspiration and Ideas

For more examples and similar usecases check out the BetterConsoleMC Examples