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K-Comebacks Database

A database of the most important K-Pop Comebacks since 2017. It is updated once a day.


The Comebacks are automatically scraped from the r/kpop Wiki comebacks-list and the python script may produce errors and fetch some entries wrong.


The timezone used for the entries is KST UTC+09:00

GET /v1/kcomebacks/last_update

Get the date and time of the last update made to the comeback database

Example Response
"2024-08-16 12:05:04 UTC"

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/id

→ /v1/kcomebacks/filterid?id=id

Get the comeback entry with id = id


If the entry-count is fetched using GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/getinfo the id of the last entry is num_items - 1

ParameterTypeDescriptionExampleRequiredDefault Value (if optional)
idNumber (positive)id of the requested entry5Yes-
Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 1
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/getall

→ /v1/kcomebacks/filter/getall?limit=limit&offset=offset

Get all the comeback entries limited by limit and offset

ParameterTypeDescriptionExampleRequiredDefault Value (if optional)
limitNumber (0 ≤ n ≤ 50)maximum amount of entries to select2Yes-
offsetNumber (posirive)offset from id 05Yes-
Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "PENOMECO",
"title": "FILM",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 2
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/daterange

→ /v1/kcomebacks/filter/daterange?start=start&end=end&limit=limit&offset=offset

Get all comeback entries within a given timeframe

ParameterTypeDescriptionExampleRequiredDefault Value (if optional)
startDate (YYYY-MM-DD)start date for date range2024-8-2Yes-
endDate (YYYY-MM-DD)end date for date range2024-10-22Yes-
limitNumber (0 ≤ n ≤ 50)maximum amount of entries to select2Yes-
offsetNumber (posirive)offset from id 05Yes-
Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "PENOMECO",
"title": "FILM",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 2
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/first

Get the first (oldest) comeback entry

Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 1
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/last

Get the last (most recent) comeback entry

Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 1
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/artist

→ /v1/kcomebacks/filter/artist?artist=artist&limit=limit&offset=offset

Get all comeback entries where the provided artist string exists within an entry's artist name

ParameterTypeDescriptionExampleRequiredDefault Value (if optional)
artistStringPartial or full artist name (letter case irrelevant)"Ateez"Yes-
limitNumber (0 ≤ n ≤ 50)maximum amount of entries to select2Yes-
offsetNumber (posirive)offset from id 05Yes-
Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "PENOMECO",
"title": "FILM",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 2
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/title

→ /v1/kcomebacks/filter/title?title=title&limit=limit&offset=offset

Get all comeback entries where the provided title string exists within an entry's song title

ParameterTypeDescriptionExampleRequiredDefault Value (if optional)
titleStringPartial or full song title (letter case irrelevant)"Sneakers"Yes-
limitNumber (0 ≤ n ≤ 50)maximum amount of entries to select2Yes-
offsetNumber (posirive)offset from id 05Yes-
Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "PENOMECO",
"title": "FILM",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 2
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/type

→ /v1/kcomebacks/filter/type?type=type&limit=limit&offset=offset

Get all comeback entries where the provided type string matches an entry's type. All entry types can be fetched using GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/gettypes

ParameterTypeDescriptionExampleRequiredDefault Value (if optional)
typeStringFull comeback type (letter case RELEVANT)"single"Yes-
limitNumber (0 ≤ n ≤ 50)maximum amount of entries to select2Yes-
offsetNumber (posirive)offset from id 05Yes-
Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "PENOMECO",
"title": "FILM",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 2
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/gettypes

Get a list of the different types of all comeback entries

Example Response
"results": [
"total_results": 127
results[String]List of all the different types of comeback entries
total_resultsNumberAmount of different types of comeback entries

GET /v1/kcomebacks/filter/getinfo

Get the entry-count, artist-count, start date and end date

Example Response
"num_items": 143,
"num_artists": 127,
"start_date": "2017-3-1",
"end_date": "2024-8-30"
num_itemsNumberAmount of comeback entries
num_artistsNumberAmount of different artists
start_dateDate StringThe date of the first (oldest) entry
end_dateDate StringThe date of the last (most recent) entry

GET /v1/kcomebacks/upcoming/today

Get the upcoming or to be released comebacks of the current day


The timezone used for this query is CEST UTC+02:00 while the timezone used for the entries is KST UTC+09:00

Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 1
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/upcoming/week

Get the upcoming or to be released comebacks of the next 7 days


The timezone used for this query is CEST UTC+02:00 while the timezone used for the entries is KST UTC+09:00

Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 1
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found

GET /v1/kcomebacks/upcoming/month

Get the upcoming or to be released comebacks of the next 31 days


The timezone used for this query is CEST UTC+02:00 while the timezone used for the entries is KST UTC+09:00

Example Response
"results": [
"date": "2017-03-1",
"time": "--:--",
"artist": "Lim Heo Nil",
"title": "Heart For Someone",
"types": [
"links": [
"count": 1
dateDate StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
timeTime StringThe date of the comeback in KST (UTC+09:00)
artistStringThe Artist name(s)
titleStringThe comeback name
types[String]List of the types
links[String]List of Links to Platforms like Spotify, Youtube and Reddit (if available)
countNumberAmount of matching comeback entries that were found